Get involved! Become a member (or renew)
One of the best ways to support the Friends of Kennington Park is to become a member. There is a small annual membership fee, which goes towards fundraising, events and various projects in the park.
On 3 April 2020 FOKP became a Charity. It is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, registered charity number 1188922, with 7 trustees who are also members of the FOKP Committee.
To become a member or to renew your membership please fill out the form below (we recommend completing the form on a desktop, not a mobile, and that pop-ups are temporarily allowed). Please follow the instructions to pay your membership fee via PayPal or card. Alternatively, please contact our membership secretary by email to request a membership form. When joining or renewing, please consider adding a donation to your subscription.
In order to communicate with our membership, the Friends maintains the information requested in the below form. The Friends of Kennington Park is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office. To read our Data Protection Policy, click here .