About the Friends
Who we are
The Friends of Kennington Park is a charity made up of local people who are passionate about the park.
Our aims
Our goals are:
to make the park the best it can be so it enriches peoples’ lives
to enthuse people about its past, present and future
to encourage people to respect the park and other park users
We do this by:
lobbying Lambeth council to ensure the park and its facilities are properly maintained
raising funds from charities and other groups to pay for new park facilities
listening to – and responding to - park users
representing the park in Lambeth’s strategic planning
monitoring events in the park
publishing a regular newsletter to keep people informed of latest events
We can only do this with your help, ideas, energy and financial support.
Our Committee
Marietta Crichton Stuart
Rita Sammons
Secretary (Acting)
Vilde Aagenaes
Sonia Wilson
Committee Member
Marnie Searchwell
Committee Member
Joining the committee
Elections to the committee are completed at the AGM, which is held no later than four months after the end of the financial year, which is 31st March. To stand for election you must be a member of Friends of Kennington Park, and be nominated and seconded by two other members. A nomination form can downloaded below, and must be sent to the Secretary no later than 14 days before the AGM.
Committee meetings take place every two months at a location near the park.
If you don’t have the time to sit on the committee, or just want to help on a specific issue or project, please get in touch with us via our contact form. There is always a lot to do and we’d be glad of your help whenever you have time to give it.
FoKP committee nomination form