Data Protection
The Friends of Kennington Park was registered with the Information Commissioner's Office in December 2016.
As a holder of personal data we are required to take steps to ensure that it is secure and to not hold data longer than is reasonable.
In order that we are clear about how we meet these obligations it is good practice to have a policy relating to the holding and use of the data we collect. This policy is agreed by the Committee, made publicly available and reviewed on a regular basis.
Data Protection Policy
The Friends of Kennington Park collect personal data relating to its members, former members, donors and other people who we consider to be key influencers in relation to Kennington Park (the Park). Details of the data we hold is set out in Schedule 1. A list of current key influencers is set out in Schedule 2.
For each of these individuals, households or groups, we keep personal data for the sole purpose of communicating with them about our work, the Park or their membership/donations.
We will keep data in password protected Excel spreadsheets held by the Secretary and/or Membership administrator. These spreadsheets may be held in a password protected cloud account such as Google or Onedrive but will never be held on a portable device such as a flash drive, tablet or smartphone.
Some data will be exported to and held in an internet based commercial communications service - MailChimp.com. Data held by MailChimp will be limited to names and email addresses of individuals, households or groups about whom we keep personal data. Access to the MailChimp service will be password protected and is restricted to members of the Committee and the Membership administrator.
Data collected will often originate through contact via the Friends website and the Friends associated email accounts, both of which are hosted by Wix.com.
Access to these services is password protected and restricted to members of the Committee and the Membership administrator.
To comply with our obligation to keep personal data for a reasonable time, we will not retain any such data for more than three years after the last time an individual, household or group made a payment or contribution to the Friends. The schedule of key influencers will be reviewed as part of the biennial review of this policy.
We will publish this Policy on our website and will give people the opportunity to ask to verify the data we hold for them and/or to have their details removed from our databases.
This Policy is approved by the Committee of the Friends of Kennington Park and will be reviewed every two years.
Approved: February 2017 To be reviewed: January 2019.
FoKP Data Protection Policy - Schedules: