Our AGM, but not as you know it!
Like so many things in 2020, the FoKP Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a little different this year. Instead of our usual gathering in the library or park, with presentations by committee members and contributions from guest speakers, this year's is a virtual AGM, where we're concentrating on FoKP issues over the past year and our plans for the year to come.
We're not using Zoom or any other video technology. To try to keep the arrangements simple, we've posted AGM reports on this page (above), giving everyone the opportunity to comment on what we've proposed, and to add your own ‘Any Other Business’ items.
This arrangement obviously doesn’t offer the same ability to debate an issue as a live meeting. But it hopefully gives more of you the opportunity to take part. And we've presented the papers in a way that – we hope – makes the detail easier to review, although that wasn’t possible for the formal accounts!
The schedule for the AGM is as follows:
1st July: Formal notification of the AGM via an e-bulletin to the members and on the website.
13-14th July: Agenda and papers published on the FoKP website.
22nd July: Deadline for responses (comments, questions, notification of additional items) by FoKP members by:
Email: friends@kenningtonpark.org (preferred method)
Letter: FoKP, c/o 1 Radcot St, London SE11 4AH
27th July: Consideration by the committee of FoKP members’ comments and questions, and decision on actions.
3rd August: Publication of AGM decisions on website.
We're very sorry not to be able to hold our usual meeting, and to chat to members before and after the meeting. But we decided it was important to have an AGM, even a rather unusual one, rather than to cancel it altogether.
We hope you will enjoy reading the papers and we look forward to your comments and ideas.
Marietta Crichton Stuart
FoKP Chair
1st July 2020