Welcome to The Friends of Kennington Park
About the Friends
The Friends of Kennington Park is a voluntary organisation set up over 20 years ago to improve the park. We work with Lambeth Council, who run the park, to help keep the park in good shape and bring improvements and new facilities for our ever-increasing number of visitors.
We would love to make more friends! Would you like to join us? Click here to get involved and really make a difference.
Every penny helps...
The Friends and park users have a brilliant record of generous donations to help improve the park. To find out more and donate please click here
Park Opening Hours: The park is open from dawn until dusk.

See our news and events section for events coming up in the park

Take part in the Kennington Park Chartist Trail!
To mark the 175th anniversary of the Monster Chartist Rally on Kennington Common in April 1848, we launched a Kennington Park Chartist Trail. Further details are available here on how to take part in the trail or to listen to the podcast from the comfort of your home.
Or just head down to the park and follow the signs which begin at the war memorial.

The grand opening with Florence Eshalomi MP

... is a highlight for the local community

The grand opening with Florence Eshalomi MP
© 2022 Friends of Kennington Park